
What are some good questions to include in a reference check

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07 Jan 2022

What are some good questions to include in a reference check
  • Can you provide a brief overview of the candidate's work experience and responsibilities in their previous role at your company?
  • How would you describe the candidate's work ethic and professionalism?
  • Were there any areas in which the candidate excelled or showed notable improvement during their time at your company?
  • Were there any challenges or difficulties the candidate faced in their previous role and how did they handle them?
  • Would you consider the candidate for rehire, and why or why not?
  • Can you provide any specific examples of the candidate's successes or achievements in their previous role?
  • How did the candidate interact with their colleagues and superiors, and how would you describe their communication skills?
  • Were there any areas in which the candidate may have struggled or needed additional support or training?
  • Can you provide any insights into the candidate's ability to adapt to new situations or take on additional responsibilities?
  • In your opinion, what are the candidate's strengths and weaknesses, and how do they compare to others in similar roles at your company?

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